MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, MoMA new york city sept 17 2023 – january 20 2024
i will be there sept 17th for the public opening and in new york from 13th through 18th.
the museum of modern art curator carson chan and assistant matthew wagstaffe came to visit me in my joshua tree studio cabin in the desert in early spring of 2023.
they had tracked me down. i was delighted and i bombarded them with my numerous eco friendly projects of the last 57 years.
their survey show of 45 eco practitioners 1930-1990 coming at the subject matter with varying points of view. thus limited to what could be shown.
i am thrilled and grateful to be included.
they picked the biomorphic biosphere and the green machine to present. biomorphic biosphere is a regional plan to restore the los angeles basin to a natural eco system. the existing city gradually replaced with an ecological human made hollow mountain touching ground points miles apart. conceptual worked out to build. see biomorphic biosphere 1-6.
the 1977-1980 green machine was the shrunken biomorphic biosphere for low cost housing. with used airstream trailers, modular housing and mechanical core artist studios. seeking to be self sufficient, yet fun and inspirational. see green machine 1-3.
the show made possible by emilio ambasz, who created an institute for joint study of the built and natural environment at moma and who is in the show: artist, architect, industrial designer. an 80 year old whiz kid who puts his money where his heart is to better the planet.
biomorphic biosphere
green machine

Carson Chan
Director of the Emilio Ambasz Institute
for the Joint Study of the Built and Natural
Congratulations, Glen. It’s great to see your work getting some visibility!
Hi Glen, I was at the exhibit on Friday and fortunate enough to meet you. Thanks again for popping over and saying hello! I really enjoy your work and will definitely be following along.
people of the world,
great time in new york, talking to people from around the world.
back in my cabin in joshua tree, safe and sound with lion tracks outside.